New Cyber Executive puts on semi-regular events on topics specifically for CISOs and cybersecurity executives. Topics include becoming more effective through building and enhancing relationships, tapping into personal and professional creativity, finding your leadership style and voice, trust and authenticity, common professional challenges for business-facing cyber leaders, NCE research findings, the CISO and the Board, identifying and avoiding common cybersecurity executive specific traps, among other topics of particular relevance to leaders in cybersecurity.
Impact Series: Branding Intensive
This is a transformative workshop on personal branding for CISOs and cyber executives. Over the course of this journey, you'll gain invaluable insights into how you're perceived professionally, learn to articulate your unique value, and develop strategies to enhance your influence and effectiveness. By the end, you'll have a well-defined personal brand and the tools to leverage it for career advancement and greater impact in your field.
Impact Series: Strategy Lab
Strategy goes beyond maps or roadmaps; it’s rooted in a robust set of principles that guide you through complex challenges. In this strategy lab, we’ll move beyond traditional frameworks to explore strategy as a cohesive, principle-driven approach that endurs even as plans change. You’ll learn to reframe problems into addressable challenges, select the principles to tackle them, and design a strategy that creates lasting impact.
Executive Branding Drop-Ins (free brief and Q&A)
CISO Stress Management
Visible and hidden contributors to stress, and the unexpected things you can do about it.
Women in Cyber and Tech
For Women CISOs and Tech Leaders (Australia focused)
Capitalizing on the Job Market
For CISO job changers in the current, dynamic job market.
CISOs and Boards
For CISOs doing board development or joining outside boards.
What areas of clarity best serve you in you situation? What are the paths and unforeseen options you can consider? What thinking or assumptions might be holding you back from your best actions?
Personal liability, getting fired, and criminal prosecution. What are these a symptom of? How can CISOs address these issues (and stress and related burnout) before these issues even start?
NCE Impact Series: Branding Intensive
Insights on how you're perceived, articulating unique value, and strategies to enhance influence and effectiveness through a well-defined personal brand, and tools for career advancement and broader impact.
What's Your Leadership Model?
There's a plethora of books out there that give you a leadership model. Experience shows us that each person borrows from models to create their own - on the fly. What can this look like if done intentionally?
Connect, orient, align, and build relationships from the start. Take pivotal actions at the mid-point of your tenure. Position yourself for success by rethinking your current role before your next career move.
Priming Formal Decisions
How do you influence closed-door or closed-process decisions? In this workshop we explore several ways to make those decisions more accessible to you, and how to influence the decisions without being at the table.
Borrowing Credibility
Get more enthusiastic support and faster decisions in support of your ideas and proposals. Make it easier for your key decision makers and stakeholders to move from maybe to yes.
CISO Listening Tour
Often underused by CISOs, a listening tour can show a path to addressing common CISO challenges such as business engagement, executive support, and cross-organizational understanding of the role of the CISO.
You and Your CISO
For CEOs, CFOs and CxOs who manage a CISO, and for members of boards seeking to engage with their organization's CISO. Special event hosted by private sector sponsor for SAS/Tech industry.
CISO Habits
Habits that led to success in the past may be now getting in the way and holding you back from being seen as a business executive. What habits affect the transition to CISO?
The Rules are Being Written
Some professions have existed for millennia: engineer, lawyer, teacher, banker, soldier, artisan. The CISO role has existed for a blink of an eye - so how do we leverage that to shape our current and future roles?
The Three Groups
Who are the three groups that make or break your success as a CISO? We'll talk about these three groups, what their interests are, and how to engage.