Founder's Initiative

Who It's For

Designed for cybersecurity startup founders. We welcome applications from both those that have bootstrapped into a successful business that intends to remain private and startup founders who have completed the pre-seed phase.

How It Works

Founder's Initiative is a bespoke arrangement that combines one-on-one executive coaching and coaching circles. Individual participants draw on tools and methods from the Center for Executive Coaching which have been developed by and for successful executive coaches for decades, and the coaching circles leverage the insights of founder compatriots empowered with training on executive coaching methods. The instincts of the groups are surfaced with the power of active listening and coaching methods. Deep insightful thinking combined with powerful and challenging questions - without offering unwelcome or less-than useful advice - from those facing similar challenges as you. What could be more powerful?

What it is Not

Founder's Initiative is not about telling you what to do, because one fast route to disrupting your passion is someone telling you how you should run with your passion. The individual coaching and the coaching circles challenge you - to be your best and to live up to your vision - but they do not critique.

What to Expect

While executive coaching is largely individually client-focused, startups and founders are a special case in two ways. First, business coaching can sometimes be the most pressing need - more than other NCE programs, Founder's Initiative includes business coaching.

You drive the goals and topics, and the coaching creates the space and provide questions and tools that are used by you to create the best possible solutions and approaches for you as a leader-founder and for your business.

We will adhere to the International Coaching Federation Code of Ethics.

How We'll Engage

  • A first call to discuss your circumstances and goals, and how executive coaching and coaching circles work to support goal attainment.

  • If we decide it's a fit, a call to explore aspirations, motivations and challenges, to bring clarity your goals as a founder.

  • Interviews with one or more cohorts to determine fit for you and the cohort's members.

  • If everyone decides to continue, one-on-one coaching starts.

  • In parallel, a mini-course on coaching methods will commence.

  • Upon completion of the coaching mini-course, introduction into the coaching circle cohort, with the first session being 100% listening, the next coaching circle session with you as the 'client' for the session to experience receiving coaching. You're then added to the 'client'/'coach' rotation.

  • If desired, assessments designed for executives and/or 360-degree verbal feedback. For founders, feedback providers can vary wildly, but often include key employees, external advisors, and investors.

  • Periodic re-examination of progress against goals, checking for changes in circumstances, and adjusting the coaching approach as needed.